Experiencing COVID-19 symptoms?

Please call our clinic BEFORE visiting to help limit exposure to other patients. COVID-19 symptoms are very similar to cold and flu symptoms, and we can help you determine what additional tests or treatments you need.

Emergency Symptoms

Please call the E.R. or 9-1-1 if you are experiencing difficulty breathing, persistent chest pain, confusion, or bluish lips / face.


PCR Diagnostic Test

We now have a rapid PCR machine for faster results. Our molecular saliva tests are typically best for patients testing for travel, patients with recent COVID-19 exposure, and patients with symptoms less than 72 hours. The best part? No nasal swab!

Test fee includes provider consultation.

Cost: $149/$199


Rapid Antigen Tests

Our rapid tests require a nasal swab and provide results within 15-20 minutes. Patients qualify for this test if they were exposed to COVID-19 7 or more days ago OR patients who have had COVID-19 symptoms for at least 3 days.

Test fee includes provider consultation.

Cost: $149/$199


Antibody Lab Tests

Antibody tests determine if you have been exposed to COVID-19, even if you never noticed symptoms. Labs are drawn at our clinic and then sent to Quest Diagnostics for testing.

Cost: $120


Our Safety Protocols

Here at Corner Clinic, our staff is committed to being leaders in affordable, convenient, and safe medical care. We are taking the highest precautions to stay healthy and protect our patients. These safety measures include:

- Virtual visits (learn more here)

- Wearing all CDC-advised Protective Personal Equipment

- Requiring all patients, regardless of symptoms, wear masks

- Conducting "extreme" cleaning, including bleaching floors, surfaces, walls, etc.

- Keeping staff trained and up to date.

Info from the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, CDC, and WHO.

Info from the National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, CDC, and WHO.

The Utah Department of Health’s Coronavirus Information Hotline Line: 1-800-456-7707